Energy Saving Tips To Cut Your Fuel Bills This Winter
Here are nine ideas that will save you money this winter.
- Turning your room thermostat down one degree centigrade will save around 10% on your fuel bill.
- If your existing heating system is old then you’ll save money by upgrading your central heating controls and fitting a programmer, thermostatic radiator valves, room stat, cylinder stat and motorized valves.
- Turn down any thermostatic radiator valves in unused rooms.
- Servicing the boiler annually will keep it working at its maximum efficiency.
- Draft proofing badly fitting doors and windows is a very cost effective way of reducing your fuel bills and will make a big difference to how warm the house feels.
- Insulate the loft space to at least 270mm deep.
- If your hot water cylinder is unlagged then fit an insulated jacket around it.You’ll still have a warm airing cupboard but will save significantly on your fuel bills, and the water in the cylinder will stay hot longer.
- Lag all pipework within one metre of where it connects to the hot water cylinder.
- If your current boiler is old then consider replacing it for a new condensing one. By replacing the boiler, and upgrading the central heating controls, you could save up to 30% on your fuel bills.